Regenics Medical Equipment

Regenics Medical Equipment offers high quality and innovative equipment, redefining the way medical technology is viewed. With us, healthcare is transformed into a personalized and efficient experience where unique technologies combine efficiency with the advancement of innovation.


Breaching the integrity of the human body leads to the activation of regenerative mechanisms embedded within us. This includes a complex of factors: blood clotting and activation of growth factors, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory factors (part of the growth factors in the blood, immunologically active cells), activation of the blood supply, activation of energy (mitochondrial dependent) systems in the body, etc. On the other hand, disease-related disruption of the above mechanisms and systems leads to chronic inflammatory processes. This determines the formation of difficult to heal wounds and chronic infections.


From the beginning it should be emphasized that PBRF (Plasma Rich in Growth Factors – PRGF, endoret™ technology) is not the so-called PRP (PRP, Platelet Rich Plasma) and therefore the effects are scientifically proven to be many times better. This is due to the following facts:

  1. Endoret™ is a standardized, scientifically based (over 200 scientific publications) technology using not only the growth factors dissolved in the plasma (decreasing with age), but also the set of growth factors otherwise “trapped” in the thrombocytes (remaining unchanged in quantity and quality throughout life). This is not the case with non-standardised PRP technologies that rely on platelet quantity – which in itself does not correspond to the total amount of growth factors used. With PRP technologies, a large proportion of platelets do not express the growth factors trapped in them and they remain ‘unused’.
  2. Endoret™ creates a fibrin scaffold that serves in tissue regenerative processes to stabilize integrity, stem cell outgrowth and restore tissue integrity.
  3. Endoret™ is a virtually cell-free technology. The practical absence of cells protects against inflammatory reactions arising from the presence of (immune) cells. This does not apply to PRP technologies.
  4. Endoret™ in its final (activated) formulation does not contain platelets present in PRP technologies, which presence activates inflammatory responses in tissues mediated by M1 macrophages.
  5. Endoret™ has over 200 scientific publications and also in this aspect differs significantly from PRP technologies.

 The biological effects occurring under the influence of Endoret™ technology are as follows:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Antibacterial, antiviral effect.
  • Activation of the formation of new blood vessels as well as improvement of blood supply.
  • Activation of the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronate – structural elements of mesenchymal tissues (skin, subcutaneous tissue, tendons, muscles, etc.).
  • Stem cell activation and creation of a bioscaffold for stem cells to grow and differentiate into the specific tissue to be repaired.

Endoret™ has numerous applications in the field of regenerative medicine (dentistry, orthopedics, traumatology, ophthalmology, dermatology, etc.) and a proven effect in the treatment of wounds of various causality as well as in the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes and significantly contributes to the restoration of tissue integrity.

There are virtually no comparable technologies to that of Endoret™ technology. PRP technologies are not suitable for comparison as they are not standardized and have a number of disadvantages listed above.

Key Points:

  • Key stimuli of cell function
  • PRGF is a fundamentally different technology from PRP
  • Intracellular Biological Scaffold
  • Outgrowth of own stem cells
  • Functional cell rejuvenation

Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) is NOT Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and is a technology with over 20 years of scientific development, hundreds of studies and publications. It is the only FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and EMA (European Medicines Agency) approved in its class. Unlike PRP, at its core, PRGF uses all of the constituents of one’s own blood plasma to create different formulations rich in the entire range of growth factors, forming a biological scaffold (natural scaffold) that serves as the foundation for the growth of the growth factors’ own “awakened” stem cells. Similar is their functional rejuvenating influence on the cells growing in human tissues. As a result of this influence, tissues can be densified, their elasticity and turgor (water content) increased.

Matter has four states of aggregation. Along with solid, liquid and gas, plasma is the fourth aggregate state. Depending on the plasma temperature achieved, low- and high-temperature plasmas are known. Both variants of plasma find application in medicine. The particular properties of cold (low-temperature) plasma determine a number of biological effects that find application in wound healing.

The biological effects occurring under the influence of PlasmaOne™ technology are as follows:

  1. Antimicrobial, antiviral and fungicidal action. These effects are due to the multifactorial physical and chemical changes that occur in bacteria, viruses and fungi leading to their destruction.
  2. Improvement and activation of the reduced blood supply characteristic of chronic wounds.
  3. Activation of epithelialization through activation of cell proliferation, i.e. wound closure and restoration of tissue integrity.

Clinical studies have shown the high effectiveness of Fletech™ technology in the treatment of difficult to heal wounds and chronic infections, as well as tissue repair. Moreover, the available probes are tailored to medical-therapeutic needs and therefore hard-to-reach regions – their endo-cavitary (intra-cavitary) application e.g. in dentistry, gynecology, proctology etc.

There are no comparable technologies to that of cold plasma.

Key points:

  • Significant increase in blood supply
  • Improvement of the supply of essential substances
  • Activation of cell and tissue metabolism
  • Reduction of tissue inflammatory reaction
  • Elimination of disease-causing microorganisms

Blood is a major oxygen and essential nutrient carrier, also providing the main transport mechanisms for carbon dioxide and waste products. Ageing processes are characterized by a decrease in the volume and extent of tissue blood supply. Thus, the supply of nutrients to cells decreases, cellular energy production slows, and waste products accumulate. In Cold Aggregate Plasma technology, the energy carried by the gas mixture converted to plasma is used to significantly increase the blood supply, including to the side of the treated area. This process can result in the repeated improvement of cell and tissue metabolism through the saturation of essential nutritive and oxygen, as well as the reduction of metabolic waste.


Cells in the human body possess light receptors. White light is a broad-spectrum energy carrier, and different wavelengths of light (photons) can activate different cellular light receptors and thus support/enhance different cell functions. In difficult to heal wounds and chronic infections, the causal impairment is the energy (mitochondrial) production in cells. Specifically acting light spectra can through cellular light receptors activate energy production (essential for normal cell function, including regeneration). In order to improve the transmission of specific photon energy the human body possesses transforming substances, so-called photophores. The Fletech™ technology uses wool-applied surface photophores to carry photon energy into the tissue depth and there activate the corresponding cellular light receptors. As a result of the photophore transformation of photon energy, the following biological deep tissue effects occur:

  1. Activation of cellular energy production (mitochondrial effect).
  2. Activation of collagen synthesis, necessary for the restoration of skin integrity.
  3. Antibacterial effect.
  4. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Improvement of blood supply.

The biological effects occurring under the influence of PlasmaOne™ technology are as follows:

  1. Antimicrobial, antiviral and fungicidal action. These effects are due to the multifactorial physical and chemical changes that occur in bacteria, viruses and fungi leading to their destruction.
  2. Improvement and activation of the reduced blood supply characteristic of chronic wounds.
  3. Activation of epithelialization through activation of cell proliferation, i.e. wound closure and restoration of tissue integrity.

Clinical studies have shown the high effectiveness of Fletech™ technology in the treatment of difficult to heal wounds and chronic infections as well as tissue repair. Moreover, the available probes are tailored to medical-therapeutic needs and therefore hard-to-reach regions – their endo-cavitary (intra-cavitary) application e.g. in dentistry, gynecology, proctology etc. There are no comparable technologies to that of cold plasma.

Key points:

  • Activation of specific cell functions via photoreceptors
  • Transmission and amplification of weak photon energy in tissue depth
  • Modulation of tissue inflammation (in rosacea, acne)
  • 400 times increase in collagen synthesis (in tissue relaxation)
  • Antibacterial action (in acne, rosacea)
  • Activation of cellular energy systems and mechanisms

White light is made up of photons of different energy levels that have numerous effects on the human body. Focused blue light can increase collagen synthesis by up to 400 times and contribute to the densification of thin tissue, increasing elasticity (tightening) and turgor (water content). The low-grade inflammation characteristic of tissue aging can be eliminated. Adverse bacterial influences can be reduced. Mitochondrial function can be activated and the production of intracellular energy, a fundamental element of cell functionality, can be significantly increased. These processes are named “Photobiomodulation”.

For the treatment of difficult to heal wounds and chronic tissue infections, it represents a hitherto unknown opportunity to achieve maximum therapeutic effect through the combination of innovative anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and tissue repair therapies. For this purpose, the latest scientific advances in regenerative medicine and derived and unique pathogenetically targeted technologies and therapies are used. Achieving high therapeutic effectiveness meets the acute need of a large number of affected Bulgarians, and the application of the utility model has a high social value.


+ 359 897 744 337

32 Kazbek Street, Sofia


Нарушаването на целостта на човешкото тяло води до активиране на регенеративните механизми заложени в нас. В това число влизат комплекс от фактори: кръвосъсирване и активиране на растежни фактори, противобактериални и противоъзпалителни фактори (част от растежните фактори в кръвта, имунологично активни клетки), активиране на кръвоснабдяването, активиране на енергийните (митохондриално зависими) системи в организма и т.н. От друга страна болестното нарушаване на изредените механизми и системи води до хронични възпалителни процеси, които обуславят образуването на трудно зарастващи рани и хронични инфекции.


Дефиницията на термина „хронична рана“ включва рани, които зарастват вторично и не проявява склонност към заздравяване след 8 седмици, въпреки правилната и каузалната (насочена към причините) терапия и подходящото локално лечение. В основата на образуването на хронични рани стоят механизми, които пречат на или увреждат регенеративния капацитет на тялото. Към тях спадат състояния и заболявания, които нарушават кръбоснабдаването (диабет, затлъстяване, залежаване), имунитета (мултиморбидност, хронични възпалителни процеси, имуносупресивни терапии), клетъчното енергийно производство (медикаменти, хронични възпалителни процеси, липсата на есенциални вещества). Стига се до порочен затворен кръг, като състоянието на тъканния интегритет постепенно се влошава и възстановяването на тъканната цялост става невъзможно.


В редица случаи каузалната терапия и подходящото локално лечение не водят до значителни успехи, тъй като тези мерки не обръщат необходимото внимание на патогенетичните механизми обуславящи възникването и поддържането на трудно зарастващи рани и хронични инфекции. А те главно са: възпаление, недостиг на кръвоснабдяване, недостиг на енергия, недостиг на растежни фактори.


Следните технологии могат самостоятелно и в комбинация да допринесат за подобряването на състоянието на трудно зарастващи рани и хронични тъканни инфекции. Имайки предвид, че всяка отделна технология специфично таргетира отделни патогенетични механизми, използването на технологиите в комбинация представлява по-целесъобразния подход.


Тези технологии намират приложение не само при лечението на хронични рани, но биха били ефикасни при каузалното и супортивно (подпомагащо) третиране на всяко нарушаване на тъканната цялост на човешкото тяло, било то поради външни въздействия: изгаряния, постоперативни рани, постинтервенционални рани и др. или поради нарушаване на вътрешните механизми за тъканно възстановяване като диабет, съдова недостатъчност, мултиморбидност, залежаване и др.